Petra Lilja is an industrial designer and curator. Since graduating from Pratt Institute, New York, she has explored different ways to combine her creative driving force with her deep concern about designs negative impact on the planet. Currently a PhD-candidate at the University of Art, Craft and Design (Konstfack) and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, she is exploring the intersections of design and the feminist posthumanities to design for caring multispecies coexistence. She worked as design lecturer and program director of the Design + Change Programs at Linnaeus University. For four years she ran an eponymous galley in Malmö displaying art, design and research. She is a member of the jury of the annual Swedish Design award UNG and its equivalent in South Korea.
Petra Lilja er iðnhönnuður og sýningastjóri. Hún var einn af stofnendum hönnunarstofunnar Apokalyps Laboteks (2008‒2013) sem vann til Wallpaper hönnunarverðlaunanna árið 2011. Petra Lilja starfar sem dagskrárstjóri hjá Design Master Program í Lennaeus-háskólanum í Suður-Svíþjóð og rekur eigið gallerí í uppgerðu bílaverkstæði. Hún hefur áður sýnt Medusa, samstarfsverkefni sitt með Vík Prjónsdóttur, og stýrt sýningunni Shop Show á Íslandi. Petra lærði innanhússarkitektúr og iðnhönnun í hönnunardeild The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts í Kaupmannahöfn, verkfræðideild Háskólans í Lundi og Pratt Institute í New York.